Contact Us

Driving Directions
Use postcode EH30 9RW if you’re using Sat Nav, which will take you into South Queensferry to Farquhar Terrace.  From here you will be able to follow the brown signs to Hopetoun and it’s a straight road from this point.

Avoid using your own Sat Nav as this will direct you to a locked gate at the west of the Estate.

Car Parking
Parking at Hopetoun properties is free of charge with the exception of large public events where additional charges may apply.

To plan your visit using public transport please visit Traveline Scotland

Hopetoun House

Address and enquiries form for Hopetoun House

Hopetoun Estate Office

Address and enquiries form for the Hopetoun Estate Office

Hopetoun Farm Shop

Address and enquiries form for the Hopetoun Farm Shop

Wedding Enquiries

Address and enquiries form for Weddings at Hopetoun

Corporate Event Enquiries

Address and enquiries form for Corporate Events at Hopetoun