Hopetoun Delivers Christmas

Last month we appealed for people to nominate charities wanting a fresh Hopetoun Christmas tree delivered and we’ve now been out to visit the lucky recipients to see their beautiful trees in all their glory.
The appeal attracted numerous applications and two charities were selected to receive deliveries. The two organisations were Home-Start West Lothian based in Livingston and the Dean and Cauvin Trust in Edinburgh.
Home-Start West Lothian have recently moved into new larger premises and have never had a Christmas tree before as they never had the space. The 7ft tree is now in-place in the charity’s lovely new reception area and enjoyed by all the families, staff and volunteers.
Dean and Cauvin Trust have two residential facilities for young people in Edinburgh and Leith. Hopetoun delivered a fresh tree for each of the houses to be enjoyed by all the young people and staff.
All the other charities who requested trees to be delivered were offered a complimentary tree if they wished to collect one from Hopetoun. For more information on Christmas trees at Hopetoun please visit our Christmas tree page.
Thank you to everyone for supporting this year’s tree appeal.
Categories: Hopetoun Estate