News The latest news from around Hopetoun

Environmental Enhancement at Hopetoun

This summer sees the beginning of a challenging, exciting and highly significant programme of environmental protection and enhancement work across the Estate under the Agri-Environmental Climate Scheme

Categories:  Hopetoun Estate

Wildlife Week

For the whole week of August 8th-12th the grounds at Hopetoun House were alive with children- it was the annual Wildlife Week! The one week of the summer holidays where kids are dropped off at the Hopetoun Ranger Centre by their parents and left. They pick them up again three hours later, by which time […]

Categories:  Hopetoun House

Giving it a Bash

The River Forth Fisheries Trust, in partnership with Hopetoun Estates, recently recruited some volunteers to help control the increasing volume of Himalayan balsam on the Estate along Midhope Burn.

Categories:  Hopetoun Estate

St Serf visits Hopetoun…

This month the Estate was a stage for a rather different performance as over 120 local school children attended a narration on the life of St Serf on Hopetoun’s shore.

Categories:  Hopetoun House

Fireworks Ticket Offer

We’ve just announced the details of our 2016 annual Fireworks and Bonfire Night at Hopetoun and to celebrate we’re bringing back our early bird ticket offer.

Categories:  Events  Hopetoun House

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