St Serf visits Hopetoun…

This month the Estate was a stage for a rather different performance as over 120 local school children attended a narration on the life of St Serf on Hopetoun’s shore.

The two day event, known as Abercorn Lifepath, was run by members and staff of Abercorn linked with Pardovan, Kingscavil and Winchburgh Church supported by Scripture Union Scotland Staff and volunteers.  The event programme was based on a historical character (in this case St Serf) to allow upper primary aged children to explore Christianity through the character’s life path or journey.

There were workshops to help children engage with the topic in a range of ways with drama, arts and crafts and quizzes. Highlights for the children were a drama on a boat down at the shore, weaving their dreams into a hermit’s cell made of willow and dressing up as Christian monks to experience ‘a day in the life’.


Categories:  Hopetoun House