News The latest news from around Hopetoun

Renewables at Hopetoun: Biomass Boiler

Following a period of intense interest in Renewable energy from the beginning of the 2010 decade, Hopetoun made the decision to commission and install a woodchip biomass boiler with the aim of supplying heat to Hopetoun House, Hopetoun Estate Office and a number of adjoining properties within reasonable proximity to the boiler. A 800 kw […]

Categories:  Hopetoun House

Carriage Driving at Hopetoun

Following an approach to the Estate by the Scottish Carriage Driving Association in 1999, the first Horse Driving Trials were held in the Deer Park in 2000. The event ran annually as a National level competition, hosting the World Para Championships in 2004, and upgrading to an International FEI event in 2017. The South Deer […]

Categories:  Hopetoun House

Historic Environment Scotland Recovery Fund

We are delighted to say that Hopetoun have been granted funding from the Historic Environment Scotland Recovery Fund! The Historic Environment Recovery Fund was launched to support Scotland’s historic environment sector to recover from the impacts of COVID-19. The fund aims to support organisations to remain solvent, safeguard jobs and training opportunities and ensure that […]

Categories:  Hopetoun House

Christmas Shopping Fair Selection Panel

Thank you for your interest in the Hopetoun House Annual Christmas Shopping Fair. All exhibitor requests are presented to our committee and should your product fit with the style and quality of both the show and our existing offering the committee will be in touch with full availability and prices. We pride ourselves on providing a […]

Categories:  Hopetoun House

Deer Parks at Hopetoun

At Hopetoun we are extremely fortunate to share our environment with three species of deer. The wild deer species is restricted to Roe Deer who are free to roam across the estate and move to and from neighbouring land. We also maintain Red Deer and Fallow Deer as parkland herds in the pasture surrounding Hopetoun […]

Categories:  Hopetoun House

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