News The latest news from around Hopetoun

Mother’s Day Cancelled

*Mother’s Day Cancelled**Thank you for thinking of The Stables Kitchen at Hopetoun to celebrate Mother’s Day this Sunday, 22 March. It is with regret that we are advising you that, based on advice from the government, we have decided to cancel this event. This means that there will be no café open this weekend and […]

Categories:  Hopetoun House

Snowdrop Sunday Cancelled

Unfortunately we had to cancel our Snowdrop Sunday Event on Sunday 16th of February due to the yellow weather warnings that were in place that weekend. Due to the ongoing weather issues we unfortunately have no plans to reschedule this event. The house and grounds will be closed until we open for our 2020 season […]

Categories:  Hopetoun House

Hebridean Sheep at Hopetoun – Old Breed for New Times

Visitors to Hopetoun will no doubt have seen the dark brown/black sheep which graze in a small paddock to the south of the main drive on the approach to Hopetoun House. This is a Scottish breed of sheep, but one with an unusual history. For most of the past 150 years, the breed was known […]

Categories:  Hopetoun House


Today is World Polio Day and along with Rotary Club of South Queensferry and 21CC Group Ltd – Events, Production, Fireworks, Pyro & FX we turned Hopetoun Purple4Polio. Polio cases in the world have been reduced significantly since Rotary took on the challenge, in 1985, of eradicating the polio virus in the world. The figure then was 350,000 cases […]

Categories:  Hopetoun House

A Stop Start Affair – Harvest 2019

Harvest is underway at Hopetoun but is proving a stop start affair for our contractors RM & JF Seed, as a result of the spell of prolonged inclement weather. The campaign actually began on the 8th July 2019 with the forage rye which was cut with a forage harvester as opposed to a combine. The […]

Categories:  Hopetoun Estate

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