News The latest news from around Hopetoun

Update on the John Muir Way works – Wester Shore Wood

Slightly hampered by the ‘Beast of the East’ the thinning operation of the Wester Shore Wood is now complete. The woodland has been thinned as part of the Hopetoun Estate Long Term Forest Plan approved by the Forestry Commission. This plan aims to promote good arboriculture practice, sustainable forestry and ensure the shoreline and forest […]

Categories:  Hopetoun House

The Royal Blind School visit Hopetoun Farm

Hopetoun Estate were delighted to be involved in a recent visit by The Royal Blind School supported by RHET (Royal Highland Education Trust). We threw open the barn doors for the children to have a hands on experience with some of our old favourites and some of our new arrivals. The Royal Blind School see […]

Categories:  Hopetoun House

Agri-Environment on Hopetoun Estate

Agri-environment measures are a key element for the integration of environmental concerns into the Common Agricultural Policy. They are designed to encourage farmers to protect and enhance the environment. These measures also play a crucial role in meeting society’s demands for environmental outcomes provided by agriculture. Hopetoun Estate has committed to a number of agri-environmental […]

Categories:  Hopetoun House

Tynecastle School Farm Visit

  We were very pleased to have been able to facilitate a recent visit between RHET – The Royal Highland Education Trust and Tynecastle High School. RHET is a wonderful organisation who work with volunteers to provide free educational and experiential learning opportunities. RHET bring farming and the working countryside and it’s practices to life […]

Categories:  Hopetoun Estate

Hopetoun’s 8th Annual Fireworks Event – our biggest yet!

Hopetoun’s annual fireworks event on Saturday 4th November was our biggest yet! We welcomed 4800 people for a ‘Fire & Ice’ themed evening which culminated in a fabulous fireworks show by 21cc Fireworks. As the event increases in popularity we re-address the layout, car parking and our traffic management plans annually. Next year we will […]

Categories:  Hopetoun House

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